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Sisters Beating the Odds &
Claiming Wellness Campaign
"Know Your Stats!"
This campaign is funded, in part with funds provided by The Jack and Jill of America Foundation

Congratulations on making the decision to "Know Your Stats" the first step in taking care of yourself!
Women of color are disproportionately affected when it comes to the stats on obesity, diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS and so many other chronic diseases.
We can improve these stats' by getting health screenings and ensuring that our family and friends do the same.
To join:
Send your "Count Me In" form by scanning and emailing to or Mail to our P.0. Box 351, Yonkers, NY 10703.
You keep your Personal and Confidential (P&C) Health Screening Tracking form and
Send a copy of your Health Screening Tracking Form, when it is completed.
You will then be entered in raffle drawings for prizes in May, August & November.
Good luck and when you know your stats you are already a winner!
Best regards,
STSI Health & Wellness Team
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